space filling

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space filling

Postby daemian » Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:33 pm

Is it correct one to replace a full column with space in a flat file.
   OPTION COPY                                                           
   INREC FINDREP=(INOUT=(5,4,C'   '))
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Re: space filling

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:40 pm

what happened when You tried ?
but why use FINDREP when a simple BUILD or OVERLAY would be probably perform better ?

see here for

DFSORT Smart tricks ... g3T7000094

or read about sort advanced functionalities starting from ... g3T7000079

also remember that out of context question will usually lead to incomplete answers
Last edited by enrico-sorichetti on Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: space filling

Postby BillyBoyo » Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:42 pm

If you want to replace position 5 for a length of 4 with space for each record on your file:

  INREC OVERLAY=(5:C'    ')
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Re: space filling

Postby Frank Yaeger » Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:48 pm


The syntax you used for FINDREP is not correct. This would be a better choice for what you want to do:


If you're not familiar with DFSORT and DFSORT's ICETOOL, I'd suggest reading through "z/OS DFSORT: Getting Started". It's an excellent tutorial, with lots of examples, that will show you how to use DFSORT, DFSORT's ICETOOL and DFSORT Symbols. You can access it online, along with all of the other DFSORT books, from: ... g3T7000080
Frank Yaeger - DFSORT Development Team (IBM) -
Specialties: JOINKEYS, FINDREP, WHEN=GROUP, ICETOOL, Symbols, Migration
=> DFSORT/MVS is on the Web at
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Re: space filling

Postby daemian » Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:28 am

thank you so much frank and billy..
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Re: space filling

Postby Nik22Dec » Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:59 am


Please find below an example on how to use FINDREP -

  OUTREC FINDREP=(INOUT=(C’William’,C’Bill’,

Please note that this example is just for your refernce & will not solve the purpose.
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Re: space filling

Postby Nik22Dec » Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:01 pm

Please note that INOUT works in pairs & hence, William will be replaced by Bill, Mike by Michael & so on.
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Re: space filling

Postby BillyBoyo » Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:06 pm

Also be aware that in the example shown, searching will start at the beginning of the record and end when the search can no longer be fulfilled (ie nearly the end of the record). If there are multiple occurences of the IN values, there will be multiple changes.

These effects can be modified by STARTPOS, ENDPOS and DO. There are also options to control the effects of the replacement (if potentially causing the output record to be longer).
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