How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

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How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby Farhaan4mf » Mon May 13, 2013 5:09 pm

In a PROC, I need to use REVOVLY=(*) parm with OUTPUT jcl statement. I Tried with below code but while adding the PROC to Endevor, its giving an error meessage saying

JCP0491E 'REVOVLY' is an unknown JCL parameter -- (P)333

my PROC code is as below
//DLYC752  EXEC PGM=IEBGENER,                                     
//             COND=(0,NE,DLYC730)                                 
//OUT1     OUTPUT DEST=&DESTVI,COPIES=1,DEPT=PPSP1067,             
//SYSUT1    DD DSN=&OPFX..DLYC730.PSAFPB.ENG&OGEN30A,             
//             DISP=SHR,                                           
//             BUFNO=12                                           
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                           

Can anyone plz let me know how can I handle this in proc itself
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Re: How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby Farhaan4mf » Mon May 13, 2013 5:17 pm

I tried to use symbolic parm as used for DEST but got the same error while adding to endevor.
If I Override this from JCL, I will work. But In that Case I have to pass all the OUTPUT parm from JCL overriding statement.
Since I have almost 100 proc/jcl, I do not want to touch JCL (for big override) and trying to handle it within PROC itself. Plz help
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Re: How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby MrSpock » Mon May 13, 2013 6:54 pm

My system (z/OS v1r13) says that "REVOVLY" is an unknown keyword, and I don't see it mentioned in the JCL Reference.
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Re: How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby Farhaan4mf » Mon May 13, 2013 8:25 pm

Hi MrSpock,

Its an Extended JCL keyword used for printing purpose. you can refee XPAF (Xerox Prin access facility doc) ... ry2013.pdf

This REVOVLY does not give problem when i use it in JCL. But If I try to use it in Proc, Endevor gives problem saying it is an unknown JCL parametre. Please help
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Re: How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby Akatsukami » Mon May 13, 2013 8:37 pm

I recommend that you talk to your Endeavor and/or Xreox support; XPAF has apparently updated the JCL interpreter to allow the use of proprietary extensions; Endeavor is unaware of this fact, however, and its own checks find them to be invalid.

(Incidentally, is this the first instance of storing non-standard JCL in Endeavor in your shop? If not, I recommend that you also talk to your senpai and find how they did it.)
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Re: How to use REVOVLY=(*) in Proc

Postby steve-myers » Tue May 14, 2013 3:21 am

I think the JCP0491E message is coming from one of the JCL checker programs. It is not an IBM message. You probably need to discuss this with the vendor of the JCL checker.
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