Extracting source code from a PDS

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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:40 am


The typo has been corrected. . .

We have several processes here where we ship complete PDS's to workstations or unix boxes (in ASCII format).
Please note that downloading directly from the pds is not what jeroc wants. . .

This would require that you setup an FTP server on your windows machine
Most organizations will not allow desktops to be configured as an FTP server.

As mentioned earlier, to download the members directly, it is quite simple to download them using the ftp client (which is on pretty much every desktop) already installed.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby shagnwrx » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:34 pm

[quote="dick scherrer"]Please note that downloading directly from the pds is not what jeroc wants. . .

I came up with that option given his requirement for the process to be an automated function. To me atleast, it's easier to do "job scheduling" from the mainframe. I guess we should really get what his end-game is for this process, as both options that you and I presented would obviously make things a tad simpler.

Jeroc, What is the ultimate end of the process? To have the source files loaded to the workstation, with each program being it's own seperate file?
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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby afable » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:27 pm

Hi Shagnwrx, I'm also FTPying pds to pc. The JCL you provided works fine. The only problem, there is no file extension for each member I have transfered from MF to PC. Do you or someone know how to add a .txt file extension ? I have too many members to do it manually.

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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby MrSpock » Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:26 pm

I'd suggest one PUT sub-command for each member of the PDS, with an associated remote target filename:

>put member1 member1.txt
>put member2 member2.txt
>put membern membern.txt
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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby expat » Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:36 pm

Using REXX you can easily find all of the members within a PDS. Within the same REXX you can then create a unique dataset for each member and use IEBPTPCH to create a text file of each member and then transfer these to the PC.

Although I just unload my PDS to a text file and download to the PC as extra backup. All in one large text file.
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Re: Extracting source code from a PDS

Postby afable » Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:37 pm

A clist or REXX make sense.

Do you have a sample Clist/Rexx that I can use to create sequential files from each member in a PDS to add .txt extension ?

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