Multivolume Allocation

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Multivolume Allocation

Postby samb01 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:31 am


a user can't allocate a multivolume data and i can't know why. I suspect a racf athorization but not sure.
In the jc, we set : VOL=(,,,15) but it is ignored... The file is stored in only one volume and the step abend E37 because he can't on others volume.
Whe we remove USER=VALID01 frome the job card, it's working, the file is stored on several volumes.

The user VALID01 is connected to the racf GROUP : VALID

Thank's for your help.
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Re: Multivolume Allocation

Postby willy jensen » Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:43 pm

SMS ACF routine?
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Re: Multivolume Allocation

Postby samb01 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:13 pm

NO...I have checked it
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Re: Multivolume Allocation

Postby vasanthz » Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:35 pm

Are you seeing any ICH* messages in the job log or SYSLOG when the job runs?
I too suspect it must be SMS ACS routine.
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Re: Multivolume Allocation

Postby Robert Sample » Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:53 pm

I would compare the user id used without the USER= against VALID01. In particular, I would inspect the CLASS AUTHORIZATIONS in RACF for the two user ids. You may need the help of your system support group to do this review as not everyone can look at the RACF data.
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