I kind of feel like this is a RACF issue but I can't for the life of me figure out what needs to change so I'm wondering if anyone has seen this before. I can run this Co:Z SFTP script with no problems but I'm a superuser in OMVS. When one of our developers runs the same job, he gets a permission denied error:
CoZBatch[N]: Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Dovetailed Technologies LLC. All rights reserved.
CoZBatch[N]: version 2.1.1 2012-03-16
CoZBatch[I]: executing progname=login-shell="-/bin/sh"
.: FSUM7318 cannot open script "/usr/local/coz/samples/sftp_batch/sftp_connect.sh": EDC5111I Permission denied.
CoZBatch[I]: returning rc=exitcode=0
All the scripts are 755. The directory structure is also 755 all the way back to root. I've tried changing the owner and group specifically to the developer's ID and default group and changing the script permissions to 777 and still get permission denied. I'm wondering if there's some RACF setting we're missing that's causing this issue. The developer ID has an OMVS segment, as does his default group. His default shell is set to /bin/sh which is getting picked up. I'm not sure what else to check.