Pop ups???

Re: Pop ups???

Postby BillyBoyo » Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:02 pm

Ed/Admin, nothing happens when I use these pages. I'm using with IE from Windows and Firefox from Ubuntu. Both are set for ignoring pop-ups and I've not had any problems, no messages.

From the non-flood of people replying to Admin's last request, maybe it is just you Ed? Maybe, when Admin tries they cannot recreate the situation, so why they are asking you to do so, as a last desperate hope :-) Ever had the user who complains about their screen, but you can't recreate the problem from their description? Visiting your desk ain't so easy :-)
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby admin » Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:55 pm

How do you NOT know what is happening to these pages?

The code is injected by Google team, not by us.

Why are you asking ME to post pictures of how they look?

Its because we are here to serve you better and make you comfortable while browsing our sites.

Try it yourself and you'll see it.

No Ed, its happening to you only. We never try to block Ads from any websites as we strongly believe that there is no free lunch available on this earth or in any other planet. http://arstechnica.com/business/news/20 ... u-love.ars

Are you going to leave this javascript in there? Are you planning on using pop ups?

No Ed, Never, if atleast one more user faces this same issue like you, I am ready to remove the entire adsense code from this site.

Am I wrong in assuming that "admin" means you are the site owner? Maybe that's where I'm getting confused.

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Re: Pop ups???

Postby prino » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:14 pm

Using FF 10.0.2 with Adblock Plus 2.0.3. I get the same annoying pop-ups telling me to disable it. Doing so makes no difference, I still get the pop-ups.
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby admin » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:17 pm

Doing so makes no difference,

You are getting the alert because you are blocking the Ads with Adblocker.

After disabled the Adblocker, do you get the Ads and Alert too?
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby prino » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:22 pm

I restarted FF and that seemed to do something. With Adblock Plus I get the popup telling me to disable it, and when I disable it, I don't get the popup any more, I just get the ads. I guess I'll file a bug report with the author of NoScript, maybe he can create a surrogate script. For now I rather click on an OK than to get the ads. I don't mind small ones, but I hate the ones taking half my screen in the middle of a thread.
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby admin » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:27 pm

and when I disable it, I don't get the popup any more

So there is nothing wrong with the script.

I don't mind small ones, but I hate the ones taking half my screen in the middle of a thread.

No more, Its my pleasure to remove those Ads as promised.
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby prino » Sat Mar 03, 2012 2:51 pm

I've installed YAFFA-O (Yet another FF add-on), GreaseMonkey, and that kills the pop-up.
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby admin » Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:34 pm

GreaseMonkey, and that kills the pop-up.

Are you sure its the GreaseMonkey that killed the alert? :)
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby Ed Goodman » Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:47 pm

I feel slightly vindicated.

I also don't mind normal ads, it's popups that I truly hate. Since you've said you're not using them, and won't, I feel a lot better.
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Re: Pop ups???

Postby Ed Goodman » Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:46 pm

Interesting change to AdBlock Plus for Firefox. They are making deals with advertisers to allow certain types of ads:


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