help panel using panel definition statements

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help panel using panel definition statements

Postby aradhana11 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:06 pm

Somebody please give me and example of creating/defining help panels and accesing them from a panel.
I have gone through ispf dialog developer's guide and ispf services guide. I cannot find any example there.
i have tried out the )HELP section and the help control variable .HELP but its not workin. On pressing PF1, the default ispf help panels are being displayed. Am i supposed to override the keylist in some way so that the default help panels are not displayed? Nothing about it is mentioned in the guides. PF1 is by default assigned to 'HELP' , so when i have my own help panel, it should automatically override the ispf default panels, right?

please help. I want examples and samples. The guides didnt help me.
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Re: help panel using panel definition statements

Postby Pedro » Thu Jul 16, 2015 1:45 am

You should use .HELP in the )INIT section of your panel.

For examples, use the ones that you already have. Use primary command TSO ISRDDN and then command ONLY ISPPLIB to see which panel data sets you are using. Look at some of the panels there. Usually, you would find an ISPF panel that is somewhat similar to what you want to do, use PANELID to find the member name, then use it as a model to create your own.
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Re: help panel using panel definition statements

Postby Mickeydusaor » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:28 am

Each field variable is a name on the panel, so when you hit the pf1 key for that field your help panel for that field is displayed.

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Re: help panel using panel definition statements

Postby aradhana11 » Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:30 am

@Pedro Thanks a lot.
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