by Robert Sample » Mon Feb 06, 2017 7:44 pm
First, terminology is critical in IT where similar terms may mean very different things. "starting OMVC" is your post title -- what is OMVC? I know OMVS which is Unix on z/OS, but I've never heard of OMVC.
Second, assuming you mean OMVS instead of OMVC, you appear to have an FSUM2149I message, which should have included more data (such as errno, reason code, return-value). These values can help determine the problem -- why did you not post the full and complete message rather than paraphrasing it?
Third, have you talked to your site support group? They would be responsible for setting up the pseudo-tty devices in /dev/ and can also do investigation as needed.
Fourth, "starting OMVS" is not your problem -- OMVS is started. You have a problem connecting to OMVS, but there is no issue (that we can see from what you posted) with OMVS starting. Do NOT confuse your terminal session with the OMVS subsystem!