EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

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EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Steve Coalbran » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:24 pm

I wondered if there was some undocumented Zvars set for the JOB & JES numbers after a SUBMIT command is issued.
I can get the info but it's a bit messy to go straight to the TSO commands. I want to do a load of stuff in a macro and then issue SUB NX.
To do this in TSO (this is executed in VIEW in batch ISPF run under TWS)... I need to have the file allocated to DD SCANWORK...
"EXCLUDE '//*' 1 ALL "              
"DELETE X ALL "                    
CALL MSG "ON"                      
CALL OUTTRAP "O."                  
ADDRESS TSO "SUBMIT '"sysdsname"' "
CALL OUTTRAP "OFF"                  
CALL MSG "OFF"                      
PARSE VAR o.1 . jobjes .  
while I was hoping to
"EXCLUDE '//*' 1 ALL "  
jobjes = zjsubjob"("zjsubjes")"
;) Optimistic?!
I searchd the ISPF EDIT manual but found no references.
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Steve Coalbran » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:30 pm

Self-answering post!
    51 *-* SAY zerrsm
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:48 pm

here is the link to a topic with a pretty useful tool I wrote a few( aka many ) years ago


it collects all the rexx variable available at the time of the call

( it helped me to debug an error in the rexx/sdsf interface
the docs had variables names different from the ones used in the code )
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Steve Coalbran » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:16 pm

ZERRSM WRONG! Ignore previous post.
Where did that SUBMITTED message suddenly appear from?!
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby willy jensen » Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:50 pm

No undocumented ZVARs as far as I can tell from testing a similar edit macro. I used the REXXGBLV program from CBTTAPE.ORG file 669 to list all variables after the submit.

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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Steve Coalbran » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:48 pm

Thanks Willy, never used a CBT tool as there's a problem downloading stuff here at my bank. :cry:
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Pedro » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:52 am

I think you should use OUTTRAP to trap the job number.
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby willy jensen » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:00 pm

ISREDIT SUBMIT is not trappable. A different approach could be to use the SDSF API to locate the job after submit. But this is also rather clumsy.
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby Steve Coalbran » Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:19 pm

enrico-sorichetti wrote:here is the link to a topic with a pretty useful tool I wrote a few( aka many ) years ago
http://ibmmainframes.com/about59657.html ...

Thanks Enrico,
I uploaded the code and tried to assemble it using plain ISPF 4.1. I haven't done this for decades!
It ends RC 8. It doesn't seem to understand the Rn-Rnn register refs or the $ sign anywhere. Here's just the top of the listing?...
 Active Usings: None                                                          
  Loc  Object Code    Addr1 Addr2  Stmt   Source Statement                      
                                      1 TITLE 'RXVARS  -  RETURN THE NAMES OF TH
** ASMA141E Bad character in operation code - 'RXVARS                          
** ASMA435I Record 1 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              
                                      2          GBLA  &STEMLEN                
                                      3 &STEMLEN SETA  64                      
                                      4 RXVARS   $ENTR BASE=(R12),SAVE=RENT,RENT
** ASMA141E Bad character in operation code - $ENTR                            
** ASMA435I Record 4 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              
                                      5 RXVARS   AMODE 31                      
** ASMA187E The name field is invalid - RXVARS                                  
** ASMA435I Record 5 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              
                                      6 RXVARS   RMODE ANY                      
** ASMA187E The name field is invalid - RXVARS                                  
** ASMA435I Record 6 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              
                                      7 *                                      
000000 0000                           8          LR    R10,R1                  
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - R10                                              
** ASMA029E Incorrect register specification - R10                              
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - R1                                              
** ASMA029E Incorrect register specification - R1                              
** ASMA435I Record 8 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              
                                      9          USING EFPL,R10                
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - R10                                              
** ASMA435I Record 9 in N472730.USER.ASM(RXVARS) on volume: PRI010              

I am guessing that your libraries when you assemble resolve these somehow. I also guess that the $ should be some other character in CP 278?
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Re: EditMacro Zvars set on a SUBMIT?

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:31 pm

I do not think so... the error show up already in the first statement
                                    1 TITLE 'RXVARS  -  RETURN THE NAMES OF TH
** ASMA141E Bad character in operation code - '

probably all the back and forth between different environments scrambled the formatting

the TITLE was considered as a label and 'RXVARS as the opcode

anyway all that is needed is in the topic I linked, the source of the main and the macros

I will try to make an xmit file and post an idtf binary file not corrupted by cut and paste
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