OPC systemdate question

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OPC systemdate question

Postby Heegsma » Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:52 pm

We would like to use OPC to give the systemdate or systemdate +1 to a variable in a program.

But the program request a specific format, which OPC doesn't like accoring to me. The format is: DD-MM-CCYY (23-06-2010)

Is there anyone which can help me and telling me if it is possible to give the systemdate using OPC to a variable in a program by changing the JCL.
Now we have to change the date every time manually, and the program needs to run everyday with changing date(systemdate)

Yours Sincerely,
Johan Heegsma
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Re: OPC systemdate question

Postby expat » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:48 pm

HAve you checked to see if the program must have the dash as a field seperator, because TWS (as it is no longer called OPC) can generate dates in DD/MM/CCYY formats.

It may also be worth talking to your TWS support to see if they can generate a date variable in the correct format.
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