how to use ISPLIBD commad

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how to use ISPLIBD commad

Postby Pumpkin » Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:53 am

i was reading something about libdef, the manual say ISPF system command ISPLIBD can invoke the libdef display i write a rexx try it :
address ispexec

but it won't work,it says 'isplibd' is not a recognized dialog service name.
so dose it mean under ispexec ,only can use service ,not command?
how to invoke the command?
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Re: how to use ISPLIBD commad

Postby prino » Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:13 pm

While in ISPF, just give the command ISPLIBD and it will, and you should have known this if you had read the manual, show a pop-up with the current LIBDEF information.
Robert AH Prins
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