EDIT MACROs integration

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EDIT MACROs integration

Postby mandor » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:29 pm


Is it possible to integrate ISPF edit macros so that one doesn't have to write the command to the command line?
What I want is to write a line command for changing the cobol source code. Like commenting, dating, splitting with different formatting...
I've seen examples where you enter command and then add line command, but it would be much faster just to enter line commands.
I wold like to be able to use commands like copy, block copy, repeat, delete...

Thank you!
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Re: EDIT MACROs integration

Postby prino » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:33 pm

Use LMAC V1.17 tool: Seamless ISPF edit line macros - standard feature in ISPF on z/OS 1.13.
Robert AH Prins
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Re: EDIT MACROs integration

Postby mandor » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:04 pm

Thanks! Will give it a try!
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Re: EDIT MACROs integration

Postby mandor » Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:20 pm

Finally got it installed and running. Works great. Thank you once again!
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Re: EDIT MACROs integration

Postby mongan » Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:20 pm

Any tips or points or problems or understandings or .... that you could share?
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Re: EDIT MACROs integration

Postby Schlabb » Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:22 pm

mongan wrote:Any tips or points or problems or understandings or .... that you could share?

I use LMAC since more than 5 years in my SCLM environment and I've never have had any problem with the tool. As my client's site still runs z/OS 1.12 I don't know anything about the new functionality in ISPF on version 1.13.
But I would always strongly recommend to install Doug Nadels masterpiece.

In my version of LINEMAC you'll find those line commands originally provided by Doug Nadel together with authorized modifications and additional commands by Bill George. I also added line commands developed by Mark Zelden (http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html), published on CBT file 434. CMT is a stand-alone program by Lionel B. Dyck. Last but not least I've integrated some of my own macros.

The developer can use the line command "h" to see a complete list of additionally available line commands. The following is a screenshot from within a SCLM Edit session:

  File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Build  SCLM  Utilities  Test  Help                 
s +----------------------- Additional Line Commands ------------------------+ --------
E ¦ Command ===>                                          Row 1 to 33 of 33 ¦ 01 00080
C ¦                                                                         Â¦ ==> DATA
H ¦ Line function: S Select line command                                    ¦         
0 ¦ ¦                                                                       Â¦         
0 ¦ V Cmd---Description --------------------------------------------------- ¦         
0 ¦         _________________ Text Manipulation Commands _________________  ¦         
0 ¦   CE    Center text on lines with CE or blocked by CEE.                 Â¦         
0 ¦   RV    Reverse text on lines with RV or blocked by RVV.                ¦         
0 ¦   LF    Left justify text on lines with LF or blocked LFF.              ¦         
0 ¦   RT    Right justify text on lines with RT or blocked RTT.             Â¦         
0 ¦   CL    Change case of the word under the cursor to LOWER case.         Â¦         
0 ¦   CU    Change case of the word under the cursor to UPPER case.         Â¦         
0 ¦   TJ    Join text of current line and the one below it.                 Â¦         
0 ¦         ________________________ Hex Commands ________________________  ¦         
0 ¦   CH    Change single line of HEX data to its character string equiv.   Â¦         
0 ¦   HX    Create Hex for the character line, (NON editable).              ¦         
0 ¦   HD    Create Hex Data for the character line, (EDITABLE).             Â¦         
0 ¦   HC    Hex to Character string. Works in conjunction with HD.          ¦         
0 ¦         _________________ Comment Creating Commands _________________   Â¦         
0 ¦   RX    Add blank REXX formatted comment to the end of the line.        ¦         
0 ¦   CM    Add blank formatted comment flower box (language sensitive).    ¦         
0 ¦   CMO   Comment out a line appropriate for the member type.             Â¦         
0 ¦   CMT   Create a comment with a full-featured dialog.                   Â¦         
0 ¦   UNC   Uncomment a single line appropriate for the member type.        ¦         
0 ¦         ____________________________ Misc ____________________________  ¦         
0 ¦   AF    AutoComplete for REXX language.                                 Â¦         
0 ¦   DB    Delete lines from cursor line to bottom line.                   Â¦         
0 ¦   DT    Delete lines from cursor line to top line.                      ¦         
0 ¦   H     Display this help panel.                                        ¦         
0 ¦   JP    Jump to paragraph/label etc. according to the language.         Â¦         
0 ¦   JB    Jump back to the reference line defined by line commmand JP.    ¦         
0 ¦   TB    Create note lines with DB2 table column definitions.            ¦         
0 ¦   VER   Display LINEMAC version number.                                 Â¦         
0 ¦   XF    Exclude all and Find all occurrences of a string.               Â¦         
0 ¦   XL    Exclude all and Label all occurrences of a string.              ¦         
0 ¦   ZB    Browse dataset/member that the cursor is on.                    ¦         
0 ¦   ZE    Edit dataset/member that the cursor is on.                      ¦         
0 ¦   ZV    View dataset/member that the cursor is on.                      ¦         
0 ¦ *************************** Bottom of data **************************** ¦         
0 ¦                                                                         Â¦         
0 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+         
000181   lastrc = rc                                                                 
000182   if lastrc <> 0 then call ERRORLOG                                           
000184 /* Ermittlung der Breite und Tiefe der Dynamic Area                  */       
000186   service = "ISPEXEC PQUERY PANEL(CSCP7009) AREANAME(AREA)" ,                 
000187                                            "DEPTH(PDEPTH)"  ,                 
000188                                            "WIDTH(PWIDTH)"                     
000189   service                                                                     
000190   lastrc = rc                                                                 
000191   if lastrc > 4 then call ERRORLOG                                             

You might have a look at a more detailed description on my web site http://sites.google.com/site/schlabb/home/code-snippets/new-edit-line-commands

If you have any difficulties with the program or with general concepts behind, feel free to contact me.
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