i want to launch some jobs in background from a server and get completion codes. To launch jobs i see that if I connect to zos in telnet and write "submit casual.job.to.launch.name" i get a job id like jobXXXXX, and if i write "output jobXXXXX" i see job sysout from which i can get job return code. But i think that this is not the best solution, especially if job's sysout is very big or if has been purged/deleted/ecc.
I see also if i set "Notify" parameter in the job card when i'm connected to z/os i receive a notification with completition code, but also this solution isn't the best one because if i've been disconnected from system for some reason i lose messages.
I cannot use a automatic job scheduler because datasets change at every launch.
Someone have some ideas hot to resolve this problem? Thanks