CICS Journaling & Recovery

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CICS Journaling & Recovery

Postby ballj35 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:29 pm

Can anyone assist me the settings for when I go into CEDA to define a VSAM file to CICS, that would allow the
contents of the file to be recovered when a job abends. I attempted to modify the AUTO JOURNALING and
RECOVERY Parms for the VSAM file. Then I close the file, INSTALL the GROUP and when I go back to
open the file, I keep getting an error for the OPEN FAILED. So I have to go back and turn everything
off for AUTO JOURNALING and RECOVERY to be able to open the file.
Have looked it up and it seems what I have set would work. My settings are as follows:

Journal: 1
JNLRead: All
JNLUpdate: Yes
JNLAdd: After

RECOVery: All
Fwdrecovlog: 2
BAckuptype: Static

I would like CICS to recovery the file and restore when the job
abends. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance.

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Re: CICS Journaling & Recovery

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:44 pm

We do not use autorecovery at my site (although we do journal data and have used the journal data for forward recovery as part of a migration effort), so I'm not sure where the issue is with the file definition.

However, since you're wanting to use journals 01 and 02 in the region, I'd talk to my site support group to ensure they are set up correctly for what you're wanting to do with them. In fact, I'd have the site support group CICS specialist check out the definition issue since they're more likely to be able to identify the problem. Many sites do not allow application programmers to use CEDA (only CEDC in many cases).
Robert Sample
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Re: CICS Journaling & Recovery

Postby ballj35 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 9:55 pm

We do not have ANYONE here for that. Yes, I am a Applications Developer and they have
me doing all this system stuff, that I am unsure about. Wish there was a Systems person
to go to, but I just have the Challenges and Opportunities to figure it out.

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Re: CICS Journaling & Recovery

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:02 pm

In that case, check to make sure your CICS region is set up to use both journals 01 and 02. If not, that's your first problem. CICS journals and the system logger are now intertwined and I don't have enough experience with system logger to guide you on what would be needed.

If both journals are present, I'd start by adding one parameter at a time into CEDA to isolate where the file open has problems (use CECI perhaps to look at the response code from the open?) and review the message log for messages about the file as well. There's got to be some messages somewhere about why the file is not opening -- and finding those messages should help identify why the file isn't opening.
Robert Sample
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