Can anyone tell me how to calculate size of a esds file using the information such as total tracks and extents used. Suppose my file is esds with tracks used: 7500 and extents: 3, files has ang and max rec length: 4096.
This will only give you an approximation. Using the block size (CI size for a VSAM file), and GX26-4577 (the 3390 reference guide), you can find the exact number of bytes -- but this does require the ability to determine the number of blocks per track (12 4096 blocks fit in a track, for example -- so with a 4K CI or block size, a file is only using 48152 bytes of the 56664 per track).Also there is a way to convert tracks to GB but I think when dealing with VSAM LISTCAT is your good option.
1 track = 56664 bytes.