by Robert Sample » Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:41 pm
You need to clarify what you are talking about -- RC 120 implies a program returned a step condition code of 120, which could mean ANYTHING since the 120 would depend upon the program. If you are talking about a VSAM return code 120, you can find this in the Messages and Codes manual under IDC3009I easily enough (the IBM web site has the manuals available). If you are talking about a reason code 120, then you need to know the return code associated with the reason code to know the exact message.
Terminology is critical in IT, where similar terms may mean very different things. RC 120 does not tell us if you're looking at reason code (RC), return code (RC), or even step return code (also RC). Please -- think about what you are asking before posting another question, and clarify what you are asking as much as possible.