Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not compile

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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:33 pm

Good afternoon.
Answering to the previous post of prino, I did not change the banner of the DFHBMSCA data set.
I did not change anything in the DFHBMSCA data set or in the DFHAID data set.
So, any ideas ?

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:27 pm

Good afternoon.
Because of this problem with DFHAID/DFHBMSCA, I cannot create programs that use Attention identifier Keys, or programs that change the color of a field (or fields).
That means that I cannot practice the creation of programs to do that.

I need to resort to plan B and I need to ask for your help.

1- Can you please provide me a program that uses DFHAID to browse the records of a file, like I've seen in a example in which by pressing F8 the program presents the next record with READNEXT, and if the user chooses F7 the program displays the previous record with READPREV ?

2- Can you please share with me a program that uses DFHBMSCA to change the color of a certain field (or fields) in the map, if the user does not fullfill them, or writes data that is considered incorrect during the validation of data, like it was explained by Mr. Robert Sample ?

3- In the 2 above questions, can you please provide comments in the programs, and also the map/mapset ?

That way, I can study those programs, and if in the future I'm asked to create such a program, I will know what to do.

Thank you,

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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Aug 21, 2018 9:37 pm

You are asking too much ...
remember we answer on


and above all

clarified the above ...

are You sure that the SDFHCOB dataset is not corrupted
the fact that some records are offset one byte looks suspicious
after having take a backup of the dataset You might try to edit the members to shift the odd lines one byte to the left
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:01 pm

Thank you for your answer, Mr. Enrico-Sorichetti.

How do I test if the SDFHCOB dataset is corrupted ?

I've already got one backup of the dataset DFHBMSCA in a .txt file, and I don't know what are the odd lines that have one byte to the left.

     ***************************************************************** 00060000
      *                                                               * 00120000
      * @BANNER_START                           02                    * 00128500
      * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                          * 00137000
      *                                                               * 00145500
      * "Restricted Materials of IBM"                                 * 00154000
      *                                                               * 00162500
      * 5655-M15              DFHBMSCA                                * 00171000
      *                                                               * 00179500
      * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2005                            * 00188000
      *                                                               * 00196500
      * CICS                                                          * 00205000
      * (Element of CICS Transaction Server                           * 00213500
      *   for z/OS, Version 3 Release 2)                              * 00222000
      * @BANNER_END                                                   * 00230500
      *                                                               * 00240000
      * STATUS = 6.5.0                                                * 00300000
      *                                                               * 00370000
      * CHANGE ACTIVITY :                                             * 00440000
      *                                                               * 00510000
      *   $SEG(DFHBMSCA),COMP(BMS),PROD(CICS    ):                    * 00580000
      *                                                               * 00650000
      *  PN= REASON REL YYMMDD HDXXIII : REMARKS                      * 00720000
      * $01= A10639 650 051018 HDBGNRB : Migrate PK10639 from SPA R640* 00750000
      * $L0= Base   210 88     HD1MA   : Base                         * 00790000
      *                                                               * 00860000
      ***************************************************************** 00930000
      *                                                                 01000000
      *                                                                 03000000
       01      DFHBMSCA.                                                04000000
         02    DFHBMPEM  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    05000000
         02    DFHBMPNL  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '…'.                    06000000
         02    DFHBMPFF  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    07000000
         02    DFHBMPCR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '
.                    08000000
         02    DFHBMASK  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '0'.                    09000000
         02    DFHBMUNP  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    10000000
         02    DFHBMUNN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '&'.                    11000000
         02    DFHBMPRO  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '-'.                    12000000
         02    DFHBMBRY  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'H'.                    13000000
         02    DFHBMDAR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '<'.                    14000000
         02    DFHBMFSE  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'A'.                    15000000
         02    DFHBMPRF  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '/'.                    16000000
         02    DFHBMASF  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '1'.                    17000000
         02    DFHBMASB  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '8'.                    18000000
         02    DFHBMEOF  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '¢'.                    19000000
         02    DFHBMCUR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    20000000
         02    DFHBMEC   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'b'.                    21000000
         02    DFHBMFLG  PICTURE X.                                     22000000
             88    DFHERASE VALUES ARE '¢', 'b'.                        23000000
             88    DFHCURSR VALUES ARE '', 'b'.                        24000000
         02    DFHBMDET  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '»'.                    25000000
         02    DFHBMPSO-BIN PIC 9(4) COMP VALUE 3599.                   26000000
      * ABOVE VALUE 3599 = X'0E0F' ADDED BY PTM 81385 (APAR PN23267)    27000000
         02    FILLER REDEFINES DFHBMPSO-BIN.                           28000000
           03  DFHBMPSO  PICTURE X.                                     29000000
           03  DFHBMPSI  PICTURE X.                                     30000000
         02    DFHSA     PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'ˆ'.                    31000000
         02    DFHCOLOR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'â'.                    32000000
         02    DFHPS     PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'ä'.                    33000000
         02    DFHHLT    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    34000000
         02    DFH3270   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '{'.                    35000000
         02    DFHVAL    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'A'.                    36000000
         02    DFHOUTLN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'B'.                    37000000
         02    DFHBKTRN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'ã'.                    38000000
         02    DFHALL    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    39000000
         02    DFHERROR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  X'3F'.                  40000000
      * ABOVE VALUE X'3F' CHANGED BY APAR PK10639                  @01C 40500000
         02    DFHDFT    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '»'.                    41000000
         02    DFHDFCOL  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    42000000
         02    DFHBLUE   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '1'.                    43000000
         02    DFHRED    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '2'.                    44000000
         02    DFHPINK   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '3'.                    45000000
         02    DFHGREEN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '4'.                    46000000
         02    DFHTURQ   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '5'.                    47000000
         02    DFHYELLO  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '6'.                    48000000
         02    DFHNEUTR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '7'.                    49000000
         02    DFHBASE   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    50000000
         02    DFHDFHI   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    51000000
         02    DFHBLINK  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '1'.                    52000000
         02    DFHREVRS  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '2'.                    53000000
         02    DFHUNDLN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '4'.                    54000000
         02    DFHMFIL   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '¦'.                    55000000
         02    DFHMENT   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    56000000
         02    DFHMFE    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '†'.                    57000000
         02    DFHUNNOD  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '('.                    58000000
         02    DFHUNIMD  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'I'.                    59000000
         02    DFHUNNUM  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'J'.                    60000000
         02    DFHUNNUB  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'Q'.                    61000000
      * ABOVE VALUE DFHUNNUB ADDED BY APAR PN67669                      62000000
         02    DFHUNINT  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'R'.                    63000000
         02    DFHUNNON  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ')'.                    64000000
         02    DFHPROTI  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'Y'.                    65000000
         02    DFHPROTN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '%'.                    66000000
         02    DFHMT     PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    67000000
         02    DFHMFT    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '   '.                    68000000
         02    DFHMET    PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    70000000
         02    DFHMFET   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    72000000
         02    DFHDFFR   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                    74000000
         02    DFHLEFT   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '—'.                    76000000
         02    DFHOVER   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '¦'.                    78000000
         02    DFHRIGHT  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    80000000
         02    DFHUNDER  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    82000000
         02    DFHBOX-BIN  PIC 9(4) COMP VALUE 15.                      84000000
      * ABOVE VALUE 15 = X'000F' ADDED BY PTM 81385 (APAR PN23267)      86000000
         02    FILLER REDEFINES DFHBOX-BIN.                             88000000
           03  FILLER    PICTURE X.                                     90000000
           03  DFHBOX    PICTURE X.                                     92000000
         02    DFHSOSI   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ''.                    94000000
         02    DFHTRANS  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '0'.                    96000000
         02    DFHOPAQ   PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '»'.                    98000000

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:06 pm

cobol comments start with an '*'
Your screen shows lines - supposed to be comments - staring one column to the rioght
for sample programs look at ... ha1ej.html

or google with cics primer

How do I test if the SDFHCOB dataset is corrupted ?

You do not ...
if the data looks different from what it should reasonably be, then the thing is corrupted
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:32 am

Thank you, Mr. Enrico-Sorichetti.

I'm going to edit the dataset DFHBMSCA.

Do you think the following message is only related with those lines in the banner ?

==MSG> -CAUTION- Data contains invalid (non-display) characters. Use command
 ==MSG>           ===> FIND P'.' to position cursor to these

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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:50 am

the BMS attributes are 8 bits constants and not all represent printable chars

did You follow the advice to "FIND P'.'" to see what lines contain non display chars

if You had done it You would not have wasted time asking the question
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby NicC » Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:24 am

if in the future I'm asked to create such a program

you will be given the necessary training.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:16 am

Thank you for all your answers.

I've inserted the text "FIND P'.' " and this is what appears, but I don't know if it's necessary to change this.

003000 003000 01 DFHBMSCA.
003100 003100 02 DFHBMPEM PICTURE X VALUE IS ' @'.

The cursor appears in the position marked as @ above.

Thank you.
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:26 am

the line pointed by the find .... does it occur into the banner ???

that's the question You asked before, the FIND result should have have given You the answer

topic locked, just leading to more useless back and forth
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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