Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not compile

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Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not compile

Postby rogerb » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:38 pm

Good afternoon everybody.
I don't know if this post should be placed in here, or in IBM COBOL or in JCL, so I apologize if it's in the wrong place.
Now that my COBOL program is working well and doing what's expected, I've decided to add more functionalities.


When I go to the JCL to compile the COBOL - CICS program I get error (MAXCC=12).
The 2 lines above were the only thing changed in the program and previously I compiled with success (MAXCC=0).
I tried only with DFHAID and I get error (MAXCC=12).
Then I commented DFHAID out, and I compiled only with DFHBMSCA, as a result, I also get error (MAXCC=12).

Please help me.

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:41 pm


This is the JCL code I'm using to compile the COBOL - CICS program.

//PROCLIB JCLLIB ORDER=DFH320.CICS.SDFHPROC                             00020000
//STEP1   EXEC PROC=DFHYITVL,                                           00030000
//        INDEX='DFH320.CICS',                                          00040000
//        AD370HLQ='IGY410',                                            00050000
//        LE370HLQ='CEE',                                               00060000
//        PROGLIB='DFH320.CICS.SDFHLOAD',                               00070000
//        DSCTLIB='DFH320.CICS.SDFHMAC'                                 00080000
//* DSCTLIB - SYMBOLIC MAP LIBRARY                                      00081065
//* DSN=SYSOPR.STUDY.TEST.COBOL(CUBE)                                   00091008
//SYSLIB DD DSN=DFH320.CICS.SDFHCOB(DFHBMSCA),DISP=SHR                  00092070
//LKED.SYSIN DD *                                                       00100000
           NAME CARPRG(R)                                               00110066
//*  NAME NAMEPRG(R) IS THE NAME FOR THE LINKING STEP                   00111065
/*                                                                      00120041

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:54 pm

Good afternoon.

This is part of the SYSPRINT of the COBOL compiler.

000058         005960 COPY DFHAID.                                          
 000059C*       */************************************************************
 000060C*       */*                                                          
=000060==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "/" in column 71.
=000060==> IGYDS1089-S "*" was invalid.  Scanning was resumed at the next area
                       level-number, or the start of the next clause.        
 000061C        */*  @BANNER_START                           02              

000061==> IGYDS0002-E A character other than "*", "D", "/" or "-" was found i
                      blank was assumed.                                    
000061==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "_" in column 13.
000061==> IGYDS0009-E "ANNER" should not begin in area "A".  It was processed
                      area "B".                                              
000061==> IGYDS0027-S Non-COBOL character(s) were found starting with "_" in
                      characters were discarded.                            
000061==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "/" in column 71.
000062C        */*  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                    
000062==> IGYDS0002-E A character other than "*", "D", "/" or "-" was found i
                      blank was assumed.                                    
000062==> IGYDS0009-E "CENSED" should not begin in area "A".  It was processe

                      area "B".                                              
000062==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "/" in column 71.
000063C*       */*                                                          
000063==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "/" in column 71.
000064C        */*  "Restricted Materials of IBM"                            
000064==> IGYDS0002-E A character other than "*", "D", "/" or "-" was found i
                      blank was assumed.                                    
000064==> IGYDS0009-E "ESTRICTED" should not begin in area "A".  It was proce
                      in area "B".                                          
000064==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character """ in column 34.

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:17 pm

read the appropriate CICS and COBOL manuals to understand the required dataset organisation for the libraries involved in the compile process
and ... remember - a forum is not a substitute for proper training
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:20 am

You've got a member name specified on SYSLIB -- COPY statement copy in members of a PDS, so you should NEVER have a member name on a SYSLIB statement.
Robert Sample
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Fri Aug 17, 2018 1:22 am

Thank you for your answers.
I have tried to study several manuals but I don't know to which CICS and COBOL manuals Mr. Enrico-Sorichetti is referring.
I searched online and I found this one but I don't know if this is the one he was talking about: ... 0_v2r3.pdf

I changed the line in the JCL according to the advice of Mr. Robert Sample, now it's like this:


But when I compile, it still gives error (MAXCC=12).
I opened that dataset, and I noticed that some of the error messages produced in the compilation seem to be related with the banner that appears before the copybook.
For example, when I open the dataset DFH320.CICS.SDFHCOB(DFHBMSCA) I see this:

 *                                                               *
 * @BANNER_START                           02                    *
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                          *
 *                                                               *
 * "Restricted Materials of IBM"                                 *
 *                                                               *
 * 5655-M15              DFHBMSCA                                *
 *                                                               *
 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2005                            *
 *                                                               *
 * CICS                                                          *
 * (Element of CICS Transaction Server                           *

* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2005                            *
*                                                               *
* CICS                                                          *
* (Element of CICS Transaction Server                           *
*   for z/OS, Version 3 Release 2)                              *
* @BANNER_END                                                   *
*                                                               *
* STATUS = 6.5.0                                                *
*                                                               *
* CHANGE ACTIVITY :                                             *
*                                                               *
*   $SEG(DFHBMSCA),COMP(BMS),PROD(CICS    ):                    *
*                                                               *
*  PN= REASON REL YYMMDD HDXXIII : REMARKS                      *
* $01= A10639 650 051018 HDBGNRB : Migrate PK10639 from SPA R640*
* $L0= Base   210 88     HD1MA   : Base                         *
*                                                               *

 01      DFHBMSCA.                                              
   02    DFHBMPEM  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                  
   02    DFHBMPNL  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                  
   02    DFHBMPFF  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                  
   02    DFHBMPCR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                  
   02    DFHBMASK  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '0'.                  
   02    DFHBMUNP  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  ' '.                  
   02    DFHBMUNN  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '&'.                  
   02    DFHBMPRO  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '-'.                  
   02    DFHBMBRY  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'H'.                  
   02    DFHBMDAR  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  '<'.                  
   02    DFHBMFSE  PICTURE X   VALUE  IS  'A'.                  


Is it possible this banner is the cause of the problem ?

Thank you,
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Fri Aug 17, 2018 2:03 am

what about googling for ...

cobol programming guide
cics application programming guide

together with the relative PROGRAMMING REFERENCE manuals
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
so that I am sure that the information requested can be reached with a very small effort
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:22 pm

Thank you, Mr. Enrico-Sorichetti.
I'm following your advice.
But now I would like to ask your help, in order to know if I can delete (or comment out) the banner that appears in the beginning of the DFHBMSCA.
When I see the following error messages in the compilation:

000061C */* @BANNER_START 02

000061==> IGYDS0002-E A character other than "*", "D", "/" or "-" was found i
blank was assumed.

000061==> IGYDS0001-W A blank was missing before character "_" in column 13.

000061==> IGYDS0009-E "ANNER" should not begin in area "A". It was processed
area "B".

I think they are mentioning, this banner:

* @BANNER_START                           02                    *

Thank you,

P.S.: If, during this or any other situation I was considered as inconvenient or disrespectful, that was not my intention.
I always appreciate all the advices that I've been receiving in this forum.
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby prino » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:55 am

rogerb wrote:Is it possible this banner is the cause of the problem ?

No, it's more than likely the fact that you have edited the banner that is the problem.

Show us this:

EDIT     DFH320.CICS.SDFHCOB                                Row 00018 of 00140
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
   Name     Prompt          Size    Created           Changed            ID  
. DFHBMSCA                                                                    
. DFHBRACO                                                                    
. DFHBRARO                                                                    
Robert AH Prins
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Re: Problem COBOL-CICS Program DFHAID/DFHBMSCA does not comp

Postby rogerb » Sat Aug 18, 2018 1:15 am

Hello prino.

Here it is.

EDIT              DFH320.CICS.SDFHCOB                       Row 00018 of 00140
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
            Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID
 _________ DFHBMSCA
 _________ DFHBRACO
 _________ DFHBRARO
 _________ DFHBRICO
 _________ DFHBRIHO
 _________ DFHBRIIO
 _________ DFHBRIOO
 _________ DFHBR2CO
 _________ DFHBR2HO
 _________ DFHBR2IO
 _________ DFHBR2OO
 _________ DFHCMCOB
 _________ DFHDBUDS
 _________ DFHDHDDS
 _________ DFHDSGDS
 _________ DFHDSRDS
 _________ DFHDSRP

I would like to add that this is the CAUTION I see when I open it.

****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 ==MSG> -CAUTION- Data contains invalid (non-display) characters. Use command
 ==MSG>           ===> FIND P'.' to position cursor to these
 ==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change
 ==MSG>           your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.
 ==MSG> -CAUTION- Profile is set to STATS ON. Statistics did not exist for
 ==MSG>           this member, but will be generated if data is saved.
 000600       *****************************************************************

Thank you,

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