I've never heard of IGY.SYSLIB -- but I've only been working with mainframes for over 30 years, so maybe it'll turn up next month.
The COBOL compiler is located in IGY.SIGYCOMP although the name can vary depending upon how the site installs COBOL (IGY.V4R1M0.SIGYCOMP for example). You would have to check with your site support group to know for sure. And to answer your question, no there is no other library in the last few releases of COBOL that you could use to compile your program.
And why are you not using your site's standard compile procedure, which would already include a pointer to the compiler library?
Actually, if you use your sites standard procedures for compiling, linking etc. you would not have to look for anything except someone else's working JCL which you could then taior to your own userid.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly. Regards Nic
I would have thought your developoment team would have either panels/skels/clists setup to assist you to do the correct compile with the correct options and or also have a set of compile JCL in the development PDS's for you to use/copy to use already.
Sounds a very immature shop if you do not have this setup.
I assume your source contorl facility also compiles the source - check your source in and see what compile JCL is generated