Please explain about the coloumns in DA panel

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Re: Please explain about the coloumns in DA panel

Postby prino » Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:31 pm

enrico-sorichetti wrote:
And if you do it for SDSF why not do it for all other facilities that have a front-end menu? Big menu!

nothing prevents You from doing it
there are lots of examples on how to add commands to the ISPCMDS table on the fly
and almost any IT professional I know uses such approach to add shortcuts according to his/her keyboard stomping style
see for example


On the system I'm using right now I have actually set up a personalized ISPF Configuration table to give me a personal command table - no it's not enabled by the powers that be... :evil: Right now it contains 39 commands. Some are existing ones, but can now be used without prefixing them with TSO, some are extensions, like my SDSF which accepts a command, i.e.
, others invoke programs to give me the text of SQL messages, the return codes of the z/OS XML parser, and another series give me immediate access to all my data sets in Edit or View, either to the directory or to a specified member.

No need for big menus...
Robert AH Prins
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Re: Please explain about the coloumns in DA panel

Postby Phrzby Phil » Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:17 pm

I hope you already know that F10/F11 (by default settings) shift right/left.

A nifty command is "arr ?" (arr for arrange), which lets you reorder the columns (on any of the SDSF screens - I usually camp out on the ST (status) screen, where i can see all jobs).

Some cols (e.g., Max-RC) I want to see, but the default position is off screen, so I re-arrange it back to the left.
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