panel error

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panel error

Postby syamcs » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:45 pm

a new error iam getting, its not an error, the problem is as follows if I make change in my source code for example like I added a new text field code in the source program and then execute it the added text field won't be shown tht is it is not reflected in the output, once you log out from the session and logged again and execute it then the changes will be updated :lol:
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Re: panel error

Postby MrSpock » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:47 pm

Read this document: ... 5851&CASE=

C.5.2 Unexpected output

ISPF services do not pick up updated copies of messages or panels.
When not in TEST mode, the most recently accessed panel and message definitions are retained in virtual storage for performance reasons. If you have modified a panel or message file, using TEST mode ensures that the latest copy of each message or panel is accessed.

You'll find the details of how to use TEST mode within that same document.
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Re: panel error

Postby prino » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:13 pm

syamcs wrote:a new error iam getting, its not an error, the problem is as follows if I make change in my source code for example like I added a new text field code in the source program and then execute it the added text field won't be shown tht is it is not reflected in the output, once you log out from the session and logged again and execute it then the changes will be updated :lol:

Use option 7.2 (Dialog Test -> Panels) to pull in the latest copy.
Robert AH Prins
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Re: panel error

Postby syamcs » Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:14 pm

thanks Mr.Spock
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