Space occupation by multi-vol DSN.

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Space occupation by multi-vol DSN.

Postby ranga_subham » Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:23 pm


A programmer is reformatting & copying only one record from input file to output file. But, the output file is declared as multi-vol dataset. When asked he says it will not occupy more space because RLSE is used on SPACE parameter !

Would you please explain how we decide using multi-vol despite giving large space requirement (CYL,(100,100),RLSE)?

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Re: Space occupation by multi-vol DSN.

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:40 am


Would you please explain how we decide using multi-vol despite giving large space requirement (CYL,(100,100),RLSE)?
Your question is not clear. . . Please clarify.

If the program only writes one record and RLSE is used, yes it will not occupy more space when the step ends. It will need to allocate 100 cyls in the first place. If the process will only ever write 1 record, the allocation is questionable at best. Why would "they" want an initial allocation of 100 cyls if it will never be used.
Hope this helps,
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