by Robert Sample » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:55 pm
First, you need to understand that there is not one copy of these -- they are language-specific, so you can find an Assembler version, you can find a COBOL version, you can find a PL/I version ....
Second, the CICS system library high level qualifiers are determined when CICS is installed. What is used at one site is not used at another site. So I can tell you the LOW level qualifier, but the high level qualifiers to put in front, I have no way of knowing.
Third, DFHBMSCA is in SDFHCOB, SDFHC370, SDFHMAC, SDFHPL1 for COBOL, C, Aseembler, and PL/I respectively. EIBAID is part of DFHEIBLK, which will also be located in each of these libraries.