Whats this-View entry panel for.?

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Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby mohbaig » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:53 pm

Every time i try to view the PS files, i get this screen. I just hit enter. is there any purpose for this.?

  Workstation  Help                                       
                     VIEW Entry Panel                     
                                               More:     +
Object Name:                                               
* No workstation connection                               
  Initial Macro  . .                                       
  Profile Name . . .           (Blank defaults to Type)   
  Format Name  . . .                                       
  Panel Name . . . .           (Leave blank for default)   
  /  Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace                           
     VIEW Mixed Mode                                       
     VIEW host file on Workstation                         
     Preserve VB record length                             
  /  Warn on First Data Change                             
 F1=Help        F2=Split       F3=Exit        F7=Backward 
 F8=Forward     F9=Swap       F12=Cancel                   
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby dick scherrer » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:00 am


Well, it appears that the copy/paste left off many fields. . . .

You should see
Other Partitioned, Sequential or VSAM Data Set, or z/OS UNIX file:     
   Name . . . . .                                                     
   Volume Serial . .           (If not cataloged)
before the "options" and you enter the dataset name you want to view.
You may or may not beed to enclose the dsn within quotes.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby Pedro » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:40 pm

Issue PANELID ON command. The member name of the panel will appear in the upper left. When you report a problem, please tell us what panel you are seeing.
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby NicC » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:27 pm

Hi Dick, No - this is the panel you get when you put V or E against against a sequential dataset name in 3.4.
Mohbaig - did you look at the help for this?
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby mohbaig » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:36 pm

View entry panel help showing the below info. Thanks for the support.

            Help for Edit and View Entry Panel           
                                               More:     +
Use the fields below to tailor your      or      sessions.
All fields are optional.                                 
Field Name             Description                       
Workstation action bar Select "Configure" to configure   
                       kstation actions. for Edit and View
                       workstation actions.               
Initial Macro          An initial macro that is to be     
                       executed after the data is read but
                       before the data is displayed for   
                       the edit or view session.         
Profile Name           A profile name to be in effect for
                       the edit or view session.         
Format Name            A format name for the edit or view
                       action, if you are editing or     
                       viewing a formatted file.         
Panel Name             An edit panel name to use in place
                       of the default edit or view panel.
Confirm Cancel/Move/Replace                               
                       Enter a / to receive a confirmation
                       panel on cancel, move, or replace 
                       primary commands. Remove the / or 
                       leave the field blank to perform a
                       cancel, move, or replace primary   
                       command without receiving a       
                       confirmation panel.               
Edit/View Mixed Mode   You can edit or view unformatted   
                       mixed data that contains both     
                       EBCDIC (1-byte) characters and     
                       Double Byte Character Set (DBCS or
                       2-byte) characters. To do this, you
                       must specify mixed mode. Enter a /
                       for mixed mode. Remove the / or   
                       leave the field blank for standard
Edit/View on Workstation                                 
                       You can edit or view PDS or       
                       sequential files on a workstation 
                       editor of your choice. The editor 
                       invoked is determined by the       
                       Workstation Settings dialog       
                       available under the Workstation   
                       action bar choice. Enter a / to   
                       edit or view host files on a       
                       workstation editor. Remove the / or
                       leave the field blank to edit or   
                       view files using the ISPF editor.   
Preserve VB record length                                 
                       You can preserve the record lengths
                       of individual records in a variable
                       length file by entering a / here.   
                       This setting has no effect when the
                       dataset has fixed length records.   
Warn on First Data Change                                 
                       You can get ISPF to warn you if you
                       try to make changes in View.       
                       Entering a / here will cause ISPF   
                       to produce the warning when the     
                       first data change is attempted.     

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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby dick scherrer » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:56 pm

Thanks Nic,

Looks like i don't use V or E from 3.4 . . . I use 1 or 2 from the main menu.

Just tried and Yup, got "this" screen.


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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby Pedro » Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:39 am

On the 3.4 dslist panel, panel ISRUDSL0, use the action bar -> Options -> DSLIST settings:

  File  Colors  Workstation  Help                 
ISRDLSET          Data Set List Settings Main     
   General Options                                 
   Enter "/" to select option                     
      Display Edit/View entry panel (*)           
   /  Automatically update reference lists         
   /  List pattern for MO, CO, D, and RS actions   
   /  Show status for MO, CO, D, and RS actions   
   /  Confirm Member delete                       

un-select the 'display Edit/View entry panel' on panel ISRDLSET.
Pedro Vera

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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby mohbaig » Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:34 pm

I don't know how to enter into ISDRLSET.can you please help How to navigate to this settings screen from 3.4.?
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby NicC » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:59 pm

Read the first line of Pedro's last reply.
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Whats this-View entry panel for.?

Postby mohbaig » Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:37 pm

Thanks Pedro :)
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